
This Is Why You’re Fat…

…don’t fool yourself.

Right after writing about Food, Inc. yesterday, I walked into a grocery store and saw these stacked right next to the salad bar of all places. Geez, it is such a mystery why people are so fat and unhealthy. Hmmm. I just can’t figure it out.

When a huge company like Doritos knows they can start producing a chip called “Late Night all night CHEESEBURGER” in the year 2010 and grocery stores will use key real estate on their end caps to display them because they know these types of products will fly off the shelves- all I can do is shake my head. It’s just plain disgusting and irresponsible on everybody’s part.
I’m not mean, I’m just honest. I used to think this stuff was funny. (I’m still a believer in rainbows and butterflies, that will never change- don’t worry. I just think about some things much differently now after educating myself with facts and being a bit more realistic and honest with myself.)
Consumers drive production. It’s simple. If we stop buying this garbage companies will stop producing it. As Americans we all have a choices that lots of people in other places aren’t privy to. Maybe we should respect the abilities we have in freedom of choice and start at least attempting to make smarter purchasing decisions on a daily basis. If they don’t listen now, eventually they will.

Beef With A Side Of Ammonia And E. Coli Please

Being the sister of an Organic Farmer and as a pretty health-conscious, active and fit person, I am ashamed to admit it took me until last night to watch Food, Inc. 

Reaction? Two words; holy and shit. 
If you haven’t already, before your next meal- run, don’t walk to your nearest video store (bonus points if you do actually run or walk to a locally owned one) rent it, watch it and pass it on. 
Ever seen that bumper sticker that read; “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.” ? Well, here’s an idea for one; If you think Organic is expensive, try ignorance.
I have too much to say about this, I could type for hours. Oh do I have thoughts and questions but I will have to cut it short, get on with my work day and come back to this later. I feel absolutely disgusted, angry and overwhelmed. I’m inspired to change the things I haven’t already in my diet, read, research and investigate all there is out there to learn on this subject and help to spread knowledge about where the food we eat comes from. I knew I’d watch this documentary and never “go back.” That’s probably why I avoided watching it for so many months.
I told you those would be my last chicken nachos D. I want to puke just thinking about them. Guess we’ll have to find beer and carrot sticks next time.
DO YOUR HEALTH AND THE EARTH A FAVOR AND WATCH IT. You really will never look at dinner the same again.

Litterers Suck

This morning I hit my limit. I have seen enough.

To all Litterers out there:

Jesus pete. I mean, it’s not enough that you throw your random trash on the sidewalk in front of me every single morning I run through our neighborhood by 7 o’clock in the morning while the city’s Clean and Safe program employees sweep it up in front of you. Nope. You keep going, finish your nasty cigarette and throw that in the pile too. 
No respect. You suck.
I don’t think there’s much positive use in going on ranting hateful tangents but I have to this morning. It really ticks me off when people throw cigarette butts on the ground. DOES THIS NOT JUSTIFY A TICKET THE SAME AS THROWING A PIECE OF PAPER OR A BOTTLE, ETC. OUT THE WINDOW?! Come on!
Here are some stats and info. that are staggering and gross. 
I just don’t understand why it’s socially acceptable to watch people throw a butt on the ground. We keep our mouths shut when we see that, but when we see a McDonald’s bag being tossed, we all want to shake a fist and yell at someone. What gives?
We have ONE Earth. It’s a shame so many people just have absolute zero respect for it. 
I think the litterers should be punished by having to live in a dumpster, in the summer when it’s 99 degrees and humid. Perhaps while they’re barfing their brains out they might get a taste of how repulsed we non-litterers feel when we have to kick the butts and other trash out of the way on the mornings we’re up early and out running making our best attempts to live healthy and responsible lives.

Calling All Idiots

When people ask me how I get along with so and so, or what I look for in a person for a mate- there’s one word that can sum it up and really there’s no other that compares; FUN.

I’m big on snail mail and write letters all the time. I have written about this before. One of my Grandmothers recently has been sending me many more letters than usual which is such a huge treat. I love coming home after a long day, checking the mail and having an envelope waiting for me with W.L.Y (translation; We Love You) and smiley faces all over it. 
These letters are nothing more than simple page long notes, usually telling me about how my grandparents went to “get a sandwich” (translation; lunch) with so and so and how; “Well honey, we just had the best time talking for a couple hours and laughing like idiots.”
Last night a bunch of friends and I cooked a huge Asian feast for dinner. (I even rolled sushi myself for the first time ever. How fun!) One of the girls and I stopped at Fresh Market on the way to get the fish for the sushi. As we waited at the deli counter in a packed grocery store for the guy to come wrap our order, my friend said laughing; “Hey- check this out!”…and then proceeded to run a few steps and do the jump and click your heels together (you know like maybe a little leprechaun would?) and there we stood cracking up after I followed suit and jumped for my own heel click. 
Of course I proclaimed during our laughter; ” HA! I love it- we are such idiots!”
Before dinner last night and after working a long and tiring weekend day, I took 10 minutes to sit doing absolutely nothing in my apartment. I was feeling all happy and lucky that I have a clean, safe apartment I live in that offers warm sun beaming in on late weekend afternoons. Just a simple but delicious ahhh quiet few moments of peace and relaxation in my day that I have come to appreciate so much.
As I got up to head out for the night grabbing my phone, I saw an email informing me that an acquaintance of mine through work had passed away unexpectedly. Way too young, no answers just an informative short email with details to come later. 
Just sad.
I often feel like I am a broken record here writing about how I/we can all/should all appreciate and enjoy every day we have on this earth, so forgive me. I don’t necessarily think any of us should walk around in fear or think 24/7 about how to hurry up and party it up because it could be all gone tomorrow. I guess I am just hoping to promote taking the “gift” if you will- from every single tragedy like the above death to have 100 more excuses within our average working days to just enjoy and act like “idiots.” 
I am so proud to be from a family of “idiots”, be friends with a bunch of “idiots” and that I act like a complete “idiot” pretty much on a daily basis. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Someday when I’m not around anymore, all I wish for are the people who love me to be able to stand around, laughing and sharing memories like; “Remember that time we acted like complete idiots at such and such?!” (They will certainly never have a lack of material:)
Here’s to laughing over a “sandwich”, heel clicking in packed grocery stores when you’re 30-something and the fact that anyone that’s FUN will so always beat out someone else who’s not, for a special spot in the Idiot Club.

Precious Baggage

I was just watching yet another interview about the death of the beautiful and innocent Chelsea King. I feel totally ill and choke back tears when I hear stories like this. I cannot imagine the horror her parents are going through and heartache they will have to live with forever. 

Same for the parents of Morgan Harrington. Yet another young, vibrant woman who’s life was cut far too short.
Perhaps these specific cases hit extra close to home for me because I lost two of my teenage girl friends during early years too. We were all about to go forth and conquer it all because life had such possibility. I know what it’s like to be the young girl that’s still alive and sitting in a funeral home with parents who have lost theirs. Those images are ones I hope to never have to relive. I will never forget after my friends died, for the longest time before I left to go anywhere with friends, my mom used to hug me and tell whomever I was about to ride with; “Please be careful- you’re carrying my most precious baggage.”
Maybe my heart hurts because I’m female. I wonder why often women have to arm ourselves with mace and be overly aware or on the defensive on a daily basis, just so we’re ready to kick anyone’s ass if they come within 10 feet of us and look like trouble, or above it all- why there are such rotten, horrible people out there in the world sometimes who hurt others.
Whatever it is, the death of the Chelsea’s and Morgan’s of the world put me in check everyday to feel more than I am already, that time and life is far more precious than any of us are able to comprehend.
To the families and friends of Chelsea, Morgan and all others alike,
If it can be any bit of consolation or gift to you to know, your girls have inspired me and I’m sure so many other young women, to put in extra work and heart into what we do, so that the spirits of such amazing ladies like yours live on. We hope you somehow find peace in all the beautiful and fun memories you have.

Girl Power

I occasionally fall off the bandwagon and get totally sucked into some complete asinine show like The Bachelor. This is actually the first season I have watched this particular “reality” show. Problem is, now I am hooked. 

I often forget my inner girly-girl, so while it’s a bit ridiculous, the occasional Bachelor watching season is a great excuse to sit around with girlfriends and catch up on life, along with drinking sparking wine, eating yummy food and talking about why boys are stupid. (Guys, don’t be offended- we still love you too much for our own good. Beau, are you out there?)

Last night as Jake chose Vienna, my friend and I sat in horror stunned at his choice like the other 9 billion woman around America drinking wine and eating cheese at their own season finale shindigs. It’s been so fun this season being a girly girl. Conversations have included the “Ugh! I think so too! Why did Ali leave?!” at various social outings and “GROSS! Why is he giving her a rose?!” texts back and forth with girlfriends those few times we were on our respective couches watching alone. After being a “guys girl” my whole life, I often forget how important having friendships and bonding time with other women is. Every so often participating in those completely absurd girly events/hobbies such as watching a TV show like this is an absolute blast and key to keeping us women sane.
Ahhh…the fun and indulgence of reality TV.
Conclusion? Having chick-fests is good times, Ali– we think you were the most adorable by far, we are so stoked you are the next Bachelorette, I am ruined because I am now addicted. Finally- Jake, ABC and whomever else this might apply to; We will never believe you can legitimately be in love with 3+ women at the same time (I mean get real.) We’re on to the non-reality. That’s Ok though, we love it just the same and we’ll keep watching anyway. 

Who Could Argue With This?

This is perfect. Now I really do have an excuse that eating chocolate is essential to a balanced and healthy life. I knew it! (I guess this means I should be the epitome of health with the amount of the sweet stuff I consume.)

Check out Intentional Chocolate. They say anyone who consumes their chocolate …”will enjoy an increased sense of energy, vigor, and well-being for the benefit of all beings.”
I believe! This company could be my religion.
I am so all about promoting everyone to scarf down at least 1 portion/form of chocolate each day. (Hey, I don’t get up early and freeze my a** off to run before work so I can reward myself with a carrot as a treat. I mean come on.) I can safely say I consume something of the chocolate variety a minimum of 350 days a year- and I’m like the poster child for perfection, so why not?
(You know that last line was supposed to make you laugh.)
Anyway…get to eatin’ the deliciousness people! Join me in the nosh across America and beyond. I’m off to get a hot chocolate…

2010 Olympic Closing Ceremonies Tonight

Tune in to the Closing Ceremonies tonight on NBC at 5:30 Pacific/8:30 Eastern time.

I can’t believe these winter games are almost over! I have spent hours watching, reading and talking about the Olympics in my zone of being a super fan these past two weeks. I wanted to write so much more during the games, but got caught up in just watching and that has been fun for me.
I think I love and promote the Olympics so much because I am in awe of the drive and physical human capability to be the “best” at something- in the entire world. That coupled with the fact that as far as I know, there isn’t another event/thing other than the Olympics that bazillions of people come together, to either participate in or watch. It’s pretty amazing to feel like a part of all that. Not to mention the cultures that we are able to learn about and incredible stories of some of the athletes, the sacrifices they have made and the road that got them to where they are. I guess I am just one to be in awe of humans overall and the Olympics are a good excuse to see what other people do and how they live. After all, exposure to new and different things is what makes us open our eyes to things we wouldn’t otherwise. 
The Olympics are a fun and free way to drink in what any of us can do or be if we put our hearts and souls into something. They’re like a showcase for all that’s possible and out there for the taking if any of us want it badly enough.
Go world.
Congrats athletes and families of. Thanks for inspiring us all to go for it.