
Sunday Funday =

*Beers at the river and lounging on the rocks

*Trails runs with friends and dogs
*BBQ’s on the patio and feasting with neighbors
*Girly cocktails and appetizers galore on someone’s lawn/balcony/porch
*Camping out at the park to read books and fashion magazines
*Driving to the beach for the day
*Movie marathons 
*Brunch with pitchers of mimosas
*Wandering into boutiques, window shopping and stopping in somewhere for lunch
*Ice cream and dollar movies
(Just to name a few.)
Ahhh…oh the options. Today I/we have chosen the beers and sun tanning/lounging at the river option.
I love Sunday Funday!

Next Time I’ll Have My Drunk Friends Cut It.

I can’t even begin to discuss the horrific haircut I got from someone who called themselves a stylist. If you could sue for bad haircuts- I’d have already hired a lawyer and be at the Supreme Court getting this crap-ass “stylist” thrown in the slammer.

Two words to describe the disaster?
Lawn & mower.
Well- it’s a god thing hair grows back. I guess I’ll just have to celebrate my freakness for the next, oh- 6 months.
Good times.
To lighten the mood/moment/disaster- I wanted to share this photo I took of my friends little boy tonight. She, the kids and I had a date. His shirt was perfectly timed for me when I walked up the stairs to meet them. Nothing cures the misery of a tragic haircut like a couple of cute kids, picking flowers and skipping with them and scarfing some pizza and ice cream.


You know those overly presumptuous and annoying questions that people often ask that make you stand there and think: Really?- can’t you come up with a more creative question? There are SO many more things to life than marriage, Mcmansions and 2.5 kids. (Yeah, yeah, easy general chatter- I get it.) Why have you never asked me what my favorite color or food is? What sport I like? Where do I like to travel? What news/magazines do I read? 

I often wish people stepped out of the daily robotic routine to allow their minds to see more color or flavor for a minute or two. Then they might ask about something that would allow them to learn about what kind of a person I am. (Or any of us for that matter.) 

One of the favorites that myself and a lot of my girlfriends (who are single and married find odd that complete and total strangers ask:
“So when are you going to have kids? I mean- you do want kids…don’t you?
After laughing at the many options with my no babies yet, but sure maybe in the future gal pals- we have come up with a good and completely honest response:
“You know, I’m just not sure yet- but I’ll let you know when I start worrying about my vagina as much as you are. Thanks for asking though!”
Somehow this kind of response stops all those other “small talk” questions from being asked. You know- the ones we all despise scrambling to come up with the “right” answer for on the spot.
By the way; My favorite color is all of them, my food obsession as of today is fresh toasted French baguette, topped with hot house tomatoes that have been soaked in evoo with balsamic vinegar, sea salt and black pepper, and my vagina is currently spectacular. 
Ahhh…just living the good life.

A Little More Than Vanilla

A friend sent this to me a few weeks ago. Probably because I am constantly celebrating my tool-ness and encouraging he and others to do the same. 

It’s a shame the below is true, but all the more reason for each of us to own who we are and only be worried about flying whatever flag works for us- not someone else.

“I think that the human mind is unique among all other forms of life in that it can spontaneously create unique thoughts and provide unique behaviors. Instead of rewarding that uniqueness we, for some reason probably because of cultural and social necessity, we chastise unique behavior and reward conformity.


I can see it now- the newest Tampax Tampons ad campaign; To Protect and Serve. 


So this was the typical sign in a women’s public bathroom stall I was in yesterday while shopping.
Ladies- do these little signs crack you up as much as they do me? The things some places come up with! I have seen everything from; “feminine hygiene” to “feminine needs” to “protection” to “personal female items” and on and on.
(Ear muffs gents…)
Um, why don’t they just say: “Put your pads and tampons in here please.” I mean- hello! We don’t need code or dainty words to know what that little silver swingy trash can built into the wall thing is- we’ve seen it a million times.
Oh the things in a day that entertain me.

Busy busy…

I love the fact that there are some great people in my life and readers here that worry if I am Ok if I disappear here for a day or two…

Oh how good I am Steve- just busy living it up on some weekend adventures and playing outside…
More soon…
Cheers to Sunday Funday! Wahoo!