
Vote For My Friends!

I need your help!!!

My cutie patootie friends Amanda and Ryan have entered the Crate and Barrel Ultimate Wedding Contest. They can win a super pimp daddy $100k wedding! 

Amanda and Ryan and are in the serious running, they’re hot to trot but other couples are blasting in votes too so we need your help to push them past the finish line. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!!
Maybe I love Amanda and Ryan and think they deserve this ultimate wedding because they are insanely fun and adorable and because they are so good to me as friends. Maybe it’s because we’ve dropped it like it’s hot at a party or 2 and on a dance floor on a fairly regular basis (we all know that’s a requirement for a good pal), maybe it’s because I love that they represent what I believe in too; Health, wellness, love for the earth, feasting with your neighbors, living life to the fullest and just simply being happy.

Yep, it’s all that- but mostly because they are amazing people with incredible hearts, that have been through their share of life’s challenges and somehow seem to to always keep smiles on their faces and light up every room they walk in to. 
If they win maybe I’ll take you as my date to the wedding. Um- can you say party? Did you hear the part about droppin’ it like it’s hot? Oh yeah…

Drop And Give Me 20

If you ever feel like a super bad-ass because you run and play sports and are “in shape” and you want to get knocked down a few notches, go to a boot camp class. I went to an hour and half class the other night with a friend and tried my best to put in 110% effort. I jumped around with weights like a frog, sprinted suicides like I was trying out for varsity soccer again and lifted and pushed up while counting out loud like I was trying to get be a Navy Seal.

I mean, not in a bad way. In a wow, I have been an athlete my whole life and I didn’t even know I had those muscles way. It is now 2 days later and I just had to get out of my chair at the office like I am 9 months pregnant because my legs are so sore. I have have stretched and stretched while my muscles scream and I even went for my run this morning to try to conquer the pain. Um- can you say quite a sight? I’m confident I looked like a complete idiot and I was laughing most of the way. Couldn’t stop thinking- yeah Di, you sure are a bad-ass, you can barely freaking walk! 
Spring has sprung and if you’re looking to get that killer bikini bod for summer, I’d suggest a humbling boot camp session. What a fantastic and thorough ass kicking for anyone. 
Now where’s my Bengay…


Saw this on an end cap clearance rack at Target the other day.

Does this mean there wasn’t a bum rush of people to buy these?
What gives? I mean- every dog needs a Snuggie right?
Ridiculous. I love it.
This video on the “Official website Snuggie for Dogs will have you rolling…

What I Learned On Girls Weekend

In complete and total random order:
1.) I haven’t had nearly enough girls weekends away and they are vital to a well-balanced life.
2.) I don’t care what year it becomes, Young MC’s Bust a Move will forever be my favorite song to shake my ass to. Click here if you feel like busting it for a minute. Oh yeah- you know you want to.
3.) You really do get way more drunk when drinking in a hot tub.
4.) Someone always ends up naked and peeing outside.

5.) Some girls talk about poop. A lot.
6.) It is entirely possible to laugh so hard your stomach hurts for 72 hours straight.
7.) When you’re in good company, you forget that TV, computers and an outside world exists and you actually do not even care.
8.) Volleyball courts can double as a sandy beach to lay out and tan on.
9.) Be-bopping and dancing around like your 13 as you shower and get ready to go out is so fun.
10.) S’mores with mild and dark chocolate are so much better than with just one or the other.
11.) Smoking a pipe like an old man is fun.
12.) Tolerant husbands that open their houses with a smile to 3 crazy girls so they can come hang with their wife for 3 days are awesome. 
13.) Tolerant husbands that serve drinks (we didn’t even ask him to) and clean up dirty dinner dishes (we didn’t even ask him to) while 4 nutty and loud chicks (that would be us) run around his house like idiots disturbing the peace- are saints. I mean damn. This guy is a keeper and then some.
14.) Ready made cosmos are delicious.
15.) No one seems to drink coffee as strong as I do. Maybe I came from Italy in a former life?
16.) Jamming out to Lady GaGa in the car on the way to a bar in a city you don’t live in is like wicked fun.
18.) Pizza at 2am somehow always tastes better than any other time of the day.
19.) Cool and easy to hang with chicks are very hard to come by and somehow I found 3 that are friends.
20.) The subject of why boys are stupid always comes up.
21.) I’m a talker and am very used to yapping, but my lord I didn’t think even a chatter like me could talk that much.
22.)I didn’t go to college and that has never bothered me but after hanging with 3 girls that went to school together gave me a little of that feeling; Doh! I missed out on all that bonding fun?! Bummer.
23.) Being able to be real with people and have them be the same with you is THE BEST.
24.) There is absolutely no replacement to having and spending time with gal pals just letting it all hang out.
Thanks La, C and L! I feel like you’re my long lost sisters! What a friggin blast. Chicks rule.

Maybe Cloth Napkins ARE Sexy

One of the biggest reasons I love running is because I have these aha moments. It’s like my alone time that things just come to me because no one is talking, no phones are ringing and it’s impossible to carry a laptop. This mornings thoughts; If I’m practicing healthy things, I’ll spend less money, be good to the planet AND be able to pay off my debt. Hmmm. One smart thing leads to another, then rest falls into place automatically and when that starts rolling guess what I get in the long run?

Yesssssss! I want it I want it!
That stuck and yuck feeling of not having freedom or confidence just plain sucks (I feel stuck and yuck if I fall into a pattern of consistently eating unhealthy foods, when I frett about paying bills, when I do don’t work that’s meaningful to me and when I panic that the planet is going to up and collapse because humans are so wasteful.) I don’t like feeling stuck and yuck, so I’d like to start sharing some practices I have adopted that I think could help others while I help myself. Some of these things I’ll share might seem small and silly, but they do add up and make a difference. I posted about eating local and organic for super cheap a couple days ago. That’s an example of what I try to do on a daily basis. After my own gluttony and ignorance in the past, I have made the following  intentions for myself in 2010 and so far they’re working like a charm:
1.) Respect the earth.
2.) Pat attention to my individual mental and physical health.
3.) Do work that feeds my soul and that I give a shit about.
4.) Spend less and pay off more.
I know can only control way I make efforts to live healthy and make myself happy for me, but at least it makes me feel good to try and share what I have learned from my 10,000 mistakes. My tip for today is (hey- not the sexiest, but for some reason it popped into my head this morning so here goes):
STOP buying paper napkins and paper towels. I haven’t purchased these things in at least a year. A roll of paper towels can be up to $2.00 and pack of napkins around $3.00 (if not more if you buy fancy ones.) Its probably safe to say the typical household uses at least 4 rolls of paper towels and 2 packs of napkins each in a month. That’s $168 a year! Buy some flour sack towels (pictured here from my kitchen), or cloth non-fancy napkins instead. You can wash and reuse and not throw anything in the landfill. I bought the 5 I have in a pack for $5.00. That’s a savings for me of $163.00 a year and they work better than the paper stuff anyway!
I don’t know about you, but I have plenty of thoughts on bills I could pay down or a treat I could get for myself or someone I love with an extra $163.00 a year. Totally worth it.

It’s 2:20am

…and I can’t sleep. 

This has become a thing for me recently. I wake up at around 2am, usually toss and turn for a good few hours, my mind starts racing and I just can’t fall asleep again until it’s about time to get up. I can’t say I’m surprised that last night after sitting in silence for 6 hours alone on my couch just thinking, writing and laying it all out there in my last post- I slept like a newborn baby after a feeding or someone that had been drugged. Ahhh…it was incredible. My peaceful and deep sleep then lead to a bouncier than normal morning run, a productive and fulfilling day at work, then extra-enjoyable night catching up with a friend over dinner and glass of wine. Funny the sense of freedom and energy that rushes in after telling the complete truth and just letting all control go. It’s too bad I was so scared to tip the scales to that final stretch before. Good things is now that I am that cat out of the bag and I’m never getting back in. 
***I’ve gotten a bunch of feedback about that enormous post. People don’t always post comments here as much as contacting me directly. This would probably be a good place for me to insert that I am thankful and love the direct contact and comments from you all, but I’d much prefer and really love it if you’d post here instead of writing me directly. I am all about sharing with everyone!***
My Embrace The Suck novel represents a significant turning point, or maybe I should say new beginning point in my life that I have needed. This whole personal blogging thing has been just that. Me using a channel, a place like the world wide web to learn during those times I think I am going crazy or “the only one”- that there are a significant amount of people out there just like me trying to figure it all out and grow up. 
Since the start of my writing over a year and a half ago here, I’ve thought a million times; Um did I just air all my dirty laundry on the internet for anyone to read?-Maybe I should delete that. What if so and so’s parents see this?-Maybe I should delete that. I wonder what the people at the office will think?- Maybe I should delete that. Will my friends think I’m a nutcase and will this make boys run away?-Maybe I should delete that. (I am laughing now as I type. Oh the fear fear fear.) Something has kept me from back spacing all this time and I am so glad for that. It’s probably that sense of freedom, like I’m getting out of jail every time I press the “PUBLISH POST” button. That freedom feels like I can push the weight of the world off myself for at least one minute. 
In closing so I can try to get some sleep, the best thing about airing the dirtiest of my laundry to the entire world is that it quickly welcomes the like-minded, no bull, genuine people into my life (the ones that I want) and weeds out the fakers and scaredy-cats. I’m finally smart enough to know that my time is much too precious to waste on the fake and scared so let my laundry continue to air, air, air…

Embrace The Suck

You better get your reading glasses on. This could be a long one.

The past few weeks have been kind of sucky and depressing for me. Not that I haven’t been doing fun things, felt thankful for what I have or that I’m unhappy about anything necessarily, just a nagging feeling of something I couldn’t put my finger on- or was too scared to. I made some big ol changes for the start of 2010. I got a new job, moved to a different state, got a new apartment, bought all new belongings, have made new friends and have never felt more balanced, independent, smarter or happier. This is the truth and not sugar coated bullshit. But? Then there is that nagging, awful feeling still, that thing I feel like is keeping me from me from being even more bad ass than I already am. 
It’s time for me to squash that shit once and for all. This is not a warning, but this is going to get ugly before it gets pretty, so strap on your seat belt. 
(In total random order; I am typing as fast as I can as my body and brain flood finally getting some of this out.)
1.) Not one single thing has ever made me feel happier or peaceful than traveling and writing this blog.
2.) I have $28,086 in debt and not the “good” kind. 
Sure a big chunk of it came from a broken engagement, but most of it because I was flip-flopping and flailing like and idiot with different jobs and moves and didn’t have a steady paycheck for two years. (Oh being an immature kid trying to find the light.) I have always been prideful about being a money savvy girl. Ironically, I even sit down with people and teach them how to save money on their monthly bills occasionally so it really pisses me off that I finally crunched numbers on myself and the calculator read $28k. WTF?!
3.) I have the best friends and family in the whole wide world. That’s a fact.
4.) I have a job and in a company that I love more than I ever have any other.
It’s so much bigger than getting a paycheck. I have a boss who respects and loves me after having had plenty of shitty ones who never cared. It’s great.
5.) Even though I am 5 foot 3 inches and have always weighed between 115-135 pounds, weight has always been an issue for me. 
I bet 95% of you are gasping right now? What? the athletic, active Diane? Yep. It’s true. This is something that I struggle with every single day. I was raised in a loving family, but one that was very unhealthy and overweight. Much is the same today. I have and do binge eat from time to time and it’s disgusting. When I do it makes me feel awful about myself and my body and often like I hate myself. Addiction is the same for anyone; never specifically about the food, drugs, etc. but about a bigger issue. I continue to try and understand myself and this issue. It sucks and is really hard. I have never talked to anyone about this. I’ve somehow managed to keep my loss and gain within a 15 pound range for years, but it is no way to live and it is completely unhealthy. This is a very embarrassing thing for me to admit. As I educate myself more on how the human body works and what it needs, the art of where food comes from and over all health, I want more and more to help educate and motivate people like me who might have similar issues to live healthier.
6.) My Dad is an Alcoholic. 
I didn’t realize this until about 9 years ago. Not because of denial, but because my Dad is a Functioning Alcoholic so it never registered with me. He’s this friendly, country redneck guy, who never really worked too much but hunts a lot. He does his own thing never really bothering anyone. (Never really contributing to anything either for that matter.) I hated him, I mean loathed him until about 6 years ago. He has never been abusive to any of the family , but he sure has never been a Dad either. It’s all I know so it’s normal to me. Growing up and even now when I say “my parents” it means my Mom. She was basically a married but single Mom raising 4 kids and did a seriously kick-ass job with what she had. I have always been protective of her and hated my Dad for years thinking- what a jerk! He’s a bad husband. That is until the day it really dawned on me that anyone is an idiot to stay in a bad marriage after 30-something years putting up with someone else’s bullshit. So? As the years have passed and I grow older I have stopped encouraging my Mom to leave because like anyone else, she will when and if she is ready- until then it’s her choice how she wants to live. I sure don’t want that kind of marriage so I learn from it all every day as a lesson. (I know you will read this Mom and crazily enough, be more proud of me for being honest than embarrassed for yourself. For that I cry as I type this and feel stronger than I ever have. I love you. Thank you.)
During a conversation at Thanksgiving a few months ago, I realized that holy shit- my Dad is only 52 and will most likely die in the next few years. (Ugh.) It never really dawned on me until then, that Alcoholism kills people and you can literally drink yourself to death. While my Dad has never really been in my life at all and could never begin to understand what I do or who I am, I’m at peace with him. It’s taken a lot of life lessons for me to get where I am on this subject. Since that day a few month ago I realized his fate, I simply feel sorry for him. He has 4 amazing kids, a wonderful wife and booze has run his life. Before he dies, he will never experience the greatness he has in front of him or see the life so many people could only hope for. What a shame for all of us.  
7.) I found a lump in my breast in November. 
No breast cancer for now thankfully, but holy shit was that confused look on the first Doctor’s face not fun. Feel your boobs regularly ladies. It pays to know your body and take immediate action when something doesn’t feel right. Don’t be afraid. If you are, call me- I’ll go to your appointment with you.
8.) I suck at technology and am often embarrassed by it. 
I have computer skills of a 6th grader. I have often avoided previous opportunity in my life because pride was in the way of asking for help. I feel silly now for that and have been teaching myself a lot lately.
9.) My little brother is gay and he is awesome. I mean THE BEST
For anyone out there who thinks gay people are bad, weird, wrong or freaky- this is my personal invitation for you to go suck it. I mean- really, go fuck yourself. (Same goes for no-good reason haters of Black people, Latinos, Transvestites, etc. You can all just go fuck yourselves:)
10.) I was once engaged to the “perfect” uber hot, nice, smart guy who literally woke up one day, said he “had a dream” and then dumped me right then and there. 
Well, technically I stood in the doorway saying what the fuck?! for a few minutes, left for a few hours, came back and then he dumped me and took the ring off. Ouch. This was not so much fun, especially because our entire apt. was packed up and we were supposed to move out of state together like a week later. There. That clears up the story for any residuals out there that occasionally pop up now and asked me horrified- What happened?! So shocked that “The perfect good looking couple who had it all” (what a joke that “having it all” thing is in reality) could’ve ever broken up. Yeah- we did, he dumped me. He was an uber ass to dump me the way he did, but when we were together I had actually become a mean, miserable and quite lost human, just not understanding which end was up with myself so I can’t say I blame him for peacing out. It was actually the best thing that has ever happened to me. Thanks Craig:) I mean, I didn’t know that awesome opportunity for growth at the time when I had to sell everything I owned and escape to another country so I could attempt to breathe, but I got a trip to Argentina and time with brother I will never forget out of the deal. That and a 30lb weight-loss and Kate Moss body for a few months because I literally could not eat or sleep. (By the way, ladies; If you ever think it’d be fun to be sickly skinny like a super model- think again. I looked like a skeleton and have never felt so disgusting in my entire life.) 
Last note on this one; I am 100% sure that if I did not have the love and support of family and friends during this specific past difficult growth time in my life- I would have had some serious suicidal thoughts. So scary. I will never look at anyone’s devastation from a broken relationship the same again.
11.) As of today, I still totally love and miss a guy named Sam.
I thought for sure I’d become a lesbian or hate men for 10 years after my engagement break up. Funny enough, literally the day after my last encounter with my ex when I had that- I am so sick of being sick over this- feeling, I met a group of guys. Sam was one of them. I thought nothing of it or him at the time as dating was sure the last thing on my mind, but a couple weeks later by chance I ended up hanging out with him. I had so much fun that night I literally felt like I had a rebirth. I don’t think he knows this but after the first time we hung out I literally ran into my house, closed the door, fell against it and started sobbing. (Yes- just like the movies) I immediately knew there was something about this guy that I was totally drawn to. I also knew the reason I was sobbing was because I had let go of a person I was engaged to. I hadn’t thought that would ever happen especially just like that (snap fingers here) but it did and was surprising, scary and exhilarating all at once.
I fought and fought to not like or be with Sam, but it didn’t take long to give up my fight and want to be around him all the time. Oh what a fun summer it was last year. Then in comes reality knocking at the door when you haven’t fully dealt with things or “gotten your shit together.” It knocked on mine. I was still a hot mess of figuring myself out, Sam had pretty much closed up and run away (sigh…boys…what gives?) and when I got a job offer that was a great opportunity for me- I up and moved alone and here we are today. I don’t pine or cry over Sam, but boy do I miss him sometimes and that hurts my heart. Even though I only spent a short time with him, he was so important to me. A genuine and true good soul and spirit that is like no other. I never once missed the man I was engaged to the way I have missed Sam. That’s pretty powerful stuff and shows me that indeed feeling like someone is your best friend too is key to a successful relationship. Sam was my friend. I actually liked him. Now he doesn’t ever talk to me, that pretty much sucks- but again lessons learned and no hard feelings. It’s amazing how confident I can feel about telling someone I love and miss them even though they have disappeared out of my life. Your loss buddy:)
12.) Fear of mine; Being a mom. 
I scoffed at the thought of having babies or ever having a family, until last summer actually. Silly as it is, motherhood to me always looked like my mom stressed and trying to make ends meet with the 4 of us kids or those many other moms out there who are fat and frumpy after giving birth for the rest of eternity, never to be sexy again. I realize now that you don’t have to wear mom jeans, get fat or become boring if you have kids. Your life doesn’t have to stop when you have shorties (thanks Lukie:) You can actually be fun, fit and actually take the little rugrats on trips with you, out in public and yep- even to a bar. If I am ever a mom (don’t get too excited people, I have no idea if this is in the cards for me and it is soooooo not a priority right now obviously) I’m going to chuck my earth-loving and respectful hippie-kids in the car and speed off to the play ground and let them play in the mud. just like my Mom let us. We all turned out just fine. None of this uptight mom stuff.
13.) Even though I was engaged, I could never picture a wedding or getting married. (Again, until last summer.) 
Now thinking it might be possible is scary thought because I sit at far too many weddings when the “speak now or forever hold your peace” thing is said and there I am with white knuckles fighting the urge. I know TONS of unhappy married people and it’s sad. (No wonder all the boys and girls run away from each other, people are always bitching about their spouses! Wives are nagging at husbands and husbands are hitting on the one single girl in the room. Gross.) Who am I kidding, I have been told one too many times that no man will be able to “handle” me. I’m beginning to think that’s true, but maybe that’s a good thing.
14.) I think cheaters suck. 
I am so not perfect (-have you read about my life above?) but I can proudly say I have never cheated on anyone. I know some cheaters. They make me sick.
15.) We were on food stamps for a while when I was growing up.
Mom would drive 2 towns away because she was so embarrassed. I can understand why. It wasn’t because my parents were incapable of earning money for food to feed us, Mom was taking care of us and Dad was too busy drinking and hunting to work. 
16.) My parents were married when they were 15 and 18. 
Yes. Holy shit. Mom quit school in 9th grade. Went back at night to get here GED when she was a married teen Mom and graduated from college just 4 years ago. Go Mom! See? Anything is possible. 
17.) I didn’t go to college. 
I moved out of my house when I was 17. I had applied to school and was accepted (for fashion design programs) I paid for the applications myself and pretty much had zero guidance from anyone. Again, my Dad was doing whatever he did in his selfish world, and Mom was too busy keeping us afloat to guide with college apps. 
At the time when I was 17, not leaving for college like all my friends and felt like a loser telling those college-bound friends parents that I was going to be a waitress, I got plenty of looks from them to fit that very loser feeling I had . Years later when some of those same past glaring parents told me how “lucky” I was because I had traveled and I had had all these experiences, while their now college-graduated kid was “confused and figuring it out now with 100k in college loans and isn’t it awful they are just a waitress, all I could do was shake my head. I thought, maybe now that your kid is where I was- you won’t look down on the next kid you meet like us. Oh how things come full circle.
(If you never went to college, it’s Ok, I promise. You can still make it all work.)
18.) I think fat kids (and badly behaving pets) are TOTALLY the product of shitty parenting.
19.) Boo to Facebook (with the exception of from a marketing and business perspective) and online dating. 
They seem to be an easy escape and excuse for people to not get off their asses to spend time actually doing/joining an activity/thing they really love for themselves, where they’d probably find like-minded people to be real friends and perhaps to date. These online “tools” are ways to avoid real human interaction. Like forcing relationships and expecting the world to drop a delivery of amazing people at your feet for putting out such little effort. I don’t get it. I just don’t believe things work that way.
Shoot me now. I am Ok with being in the minority.
There’s so much more. This feels great. I’m not being mean, I am putting my truths and opinions out there. I need to do that to grow. I told a friend today that I love writing here because if nothing else, it’s me taking ownership of all the things I do and learn why I do them. She replied that yes, it’s as if writing here and exposing myself holds me accountable. There you have it. This is me holding myself accountable, being truthful and attempting to keep only company around me who aren’t afraid to do the same. Perhaps exposing myself to the world here and cutting out all the bullshit, those last few doors in life will open for me that I’ve been trying to break through for so long. 
Thanks for pushing me P. You’re probably really are the first person who has been able to see all that I am and what I will be. I’ll keep churning away. Yes, I will always hate seafood and no- there’s not a chance in hell you will ever see me naked.