
And This Makes 500

Today, April 8th is One Day Without Shoes. People all over are taking the day to go barefoot to raise awareness of all the children growing up without shoes in developing countries. I have written about TOMS before, and I am loving writing about the company again. TOMS is a perfect combination of how a company can be corporate, sustainable and socially conscious. What a fantastic example for young entrepreneurs Blake Mycoskie has made.
This is a perfect story for my 500th post today. Time sure has flown by.
Here’s to celebrating that by giving, you always end up getting so much more and if you believe in something enough, work your butt off to build it (with good intention) it will come.

What’s Good For The Goose…

Why is it Ok for people to say things like; “Oh you can afford to eat that- you are a skinny mini” or “Whatever…you’re lucky because you are so tiny” and totally offend people like me, but god forbid we all turned to those who make offensive skinny comments and make a comment about them being fat.

This kills me.
For any of you who might have a hard time understanding my point, compare it to this:
It’s college graduation day and there you are with well-deserved and earned smiles wide and proud because; YOU DID IT! Those long nights of studying, tough exams, no sleep for 3 days every few months because you had to finish that term paper, walking to class in sub-zero temps or drenched from rain because you don’t have a car and 4 straight years of eating nothing but microwave mac and yack and ramen noodles because holy sh*t how were you ever going to repay all these college loans?
You get your diploma and are flying high. Later that day someone says to you; “You are so lucky.”
You then want to punch them in the face because you wonder if by lucky they mean being broke as a joke for 4 years and beyond, exhausted, stressed, confused, working your a** off, trying to understand how to live on your own without mom and dad and all those other things that come for so many people who chose to do something like earning an education to try and make a better life.
Yeah, that’s pretty much how I feel when people make the skinny comments to me often. Funny thing is, I am not even that skinny, in fact, according to health news and some research I have done I am actually over weight by a few pounds for my height. (I am 5′ 3″ and currently around 128lbs.) I guess the majority of the population is so obese that someone my size seems skinny. That’s insane.
On days like this one when I drag my “skinny” ass out of bed by 6am so I have enough time to run my morning hills and stairs before speeding to an early morning work meeting, then to get a gazillion things done in the office, then after work do something like meet a friend for a trail run or do sets of push-ups, crunches, etc. so that when I sometimes eat those things that maybe aren’t the healthiest ever or drink a beer I won’t become as huge as a house or my heart won’t fail by the age of 40, maybe I forget how “lucky” I am to be so “skinny” because I am too exhausted to think about it.
If busting your ass at things and trying to maintain, being honest, dealing with the garbage that life often drops in your lap and owning your past, your demons and keeping a positive attitude through it all makes you “lucky”, then slap me silly I am one lucky chick. 
I am so lucky that I don’t want anyone to be surprised if I start responding to rude and assumptive comments people make with something along the lines of; “Yep, you’re right. I can eat this triple chocolate cake and love every minute of it. Sorry if you feel bad about yourself and are somehow jealous of me because you are fat and I am not. I have earned every once of my “skinny” and I don’t feel bad about it one bit.”
…is good for the gander- right?
The truth is not mean. It’s the truth.

In Addition To…

…being in love with the weather man today, I am now officially in love with this blog; Things I Want To Punch In The Face. 

It’s freaking riot and what a great title.
I want to add to her list; Pleated dress pants on men. (Random insert- I know, but a gent just walked by me with some on.) UGH. Guys- come on already. Two words; flat front!
I found this funny chica in an email that I screeched after reading this morning. Good stuff keeps coming…somebody pinch me. 2010 is shaping up to be one ass-kicking year and it’s only month 4. I like it.

City Girl Meets Hippie Chick

Ahhh, spring has sprung. It’s 83 and sunny today. (Insert content sighs and distant daydreams of all the fun outdoor activities to come…)

On my way into the office I passed by the cutest little hippie chick with LONG dreadlocks. She was standing in a grassy median on a beautiful street in my current city just hula hoopin’ away,totally happy, all alone, not a care in the world- just loving being out in the sunshine. Awesomeness. I love coming across people like this who own who they are/what they do and could care less if anyone is watching or not. 

As I just Googled “hula hoop”, to my pleasant surprise this website popped up. There’s the photo of the day with more peeps just livin’ it up and hoppin’ happily, in the snow even! They just so happen to fit the exact vibe of todays chica I am writing about and they’re back in Vermont, my birth state too. 
This all made me think; No matter how many cities I live in, how much glitter I wear and even though I’m a sucker for tall buildings, bright lights and complete chaos, I will always be that same (as many people tease me lovingly) “Friggin’ Vermont Hippie” sorta like these peeps. Thankfully something as simple as a sight on a drive to work can make me instantly channel my chill, earth, peace-lovin’ roots and appreciate where I came from. I should grow some good dreads to sport with my heels so I can show on the outside what I feel on the inside. It’d be like two great and opposite worlds colliding in harmony. I like the sounds of that.
I love spring and all the things that come along with it.
I Hate to run, but I have a date with a patio at an ale house. Man life is hard when it’s 83 and sunny and my toughest decision during my afternoon work meeting with my sweet job is pilsner or lager…

Happy Birthday Grapa!

That’s what I used to call my Grandpa when I was little. Today is his 80th birthday.

I always tell people that my Grandpa is the finest man I have ever known. He is the single cutest and sweetest man on this earth. 
On the same day I could feel so sad and terrible and write a post like the one below titled Why?- I can remain hopeful, because of people like my Gramp. He is a true heart and soul. If more people were like him, I really believe the world would be so much bigger and better than any of us could ever imagine…
Happy Birthday Grapa! I love you! 🙂


Yet another daily dose of morning news as I get ready for my day with the latest teen who has either been beaten into a coma or committed suicide because of school or internet bullying. Now I’m hearing about this “trolling” thing where strangers apparently post on Facebook/other social media sites and send emails to the families of these now dead people taunting them, telling they “deserved it”or poking fun at the lost love ones.

Is this happening? Is this the twilight zone?

There is no way I could ever describe the disgust, anger, sorrow and confusion I feel as a perfect stranger watching these stories and I’m not even connected to these poor families. 
These kids who taunt and tease each other so much that some of them get pushed to the point to kill themselves? School officials often KNOWING about the relentless and dangerous bullying and doing nothing about it?! I am horrified.
What can we do to STOP this from happening? How can we help young people (well, any age people for that matter) build self esteem so they live healthier and happier and don’t have to attack other people because they hate themselves so much?
I personally will always fight to stay positive about the world. I do think there is hope and possibility for everything for everyone, but we have got to find a way to put an end to these nightmares and start protecting each other more. I believe goodness starts from birth and in the home, but for all these innocent kids who are born into awful situations that offer zero chance for them to become successful, how can we as communities and neighbors better love and support them so they are gifted that deserved chance to grow up and be decent humans?
Someone please enlighten me. I am just beside myself with the constant beat down of senseless tragedy.


Here they are. Could they BE any cuter?

They are my pals and the are pretty much like the awesome-est ever. (Yes, I know that is not a word. I am trying to be funny and cute:)

Jump on the bandwagon and vote here to help them win a $100,000 wedding. Can you imaging how much booty-shakin’ music and cake they could buy for 100k? Wahoo- I’m in for that!
Vote, vote! DOOOEEET! 


If you have not seen this movie yet, I encourage you to, just be prepared. Get your Kleenex out and don’t plan on scarfing any treats because your stomach is guaranteed to turn during the viewing. 

This movie is incredible. By that I mean an incredibly disturbing and enlightening look into what happens behind closed doors in too many kids lives. The acting was off the charts. Oh my god did Monique deserve that Oscar. I mean talk about channelling some inner demons. She was ugly and evil. An absolute monster to the core. She played her part impeccably. 
I watched this movie two nights ago. Falling asleep both nights, I haven’t been able to get the sickening but real images out of my head from this flick. I cannot remember a movie ever doing that to me before.
I’d like to give props here to all those teachers (like the one portrayed in this movie) and any other “safe” adults who work with, support and love the kids that come from these horrific abusive households and somehow mange to show them there is hope out there.