
With You On This One Drunken Gnome

I’ve recently come in contact with and author who has the most hilarious blog. (I wrote about her a couple weeks ago.) Hers is the first blog I have officially become a follower of. I had to. It’s that funny. If you haven’t looked at; Things I Want To Punch in The Face, yet- do it and get ready to laugh your arse off.

The following is #2 from todays entry; The drunken gnome’s punch list. People ranting honestly are like the funniest thing ever:
“People who can’t handle real life. Don’t complain to me about how hard your life is when you planned on having kids, a mortgage, a car payment, cable, a fancy new phone, and can’t pay the bills or feed your family. Get a job or stop drinking at the bar every night. Shut the fuck up. We all have bills.”

Get Outside And Play

It’s National Park Week. That’s right- MORE free stuff!

From April 17th-25th entrance to ALL 392 National Parks is free. Considering a lot of these spots are at least $20-$30 to get in on a regular day, this is a super deal. An idea as wedding season is coming up; I am all about an annual National Park Pass as a gift to encourage any new couple to explore our wide open incredible country together. There’s just nothing like standing under the Delicate Arch, going whitewater rafting through the Grand Canyon, or hiking Half Dome at Yosemite. (Check, check, check.) I mean 392 National Parks to explore and learn about?! What are we all waiting for?!
Sigh, this so makes me miss the open road and long for more 3 month cross-country road trips. There’s no better way to spend a few months in America in the spring or summer that trekking across our lands playing in nature. 
Get out and enjoy a freebie this week and get yourself all fired up for that longer adventure this summer. I’ll see you around the National Park circuit. 
Here’s to the open road!!!

Better Than A Fortune Cookie

For every schmuck out there, I truly believe there are double the amounts of ridiculously amazing, brilliant, genuine, honest and fun people. Even better when you meet those people who blindside you. (As in- you constantly scratch your head and think to yourself); I wouldn’t have believed for 6 million bucks, that there was anywhere near that much complete and utter awesomeness in that person. 

And then you are consistently and constantly pleasantly surprised. 
That makes me very happy. That’s my friend Greg.
The lesson here?
Give everyone a chance. Open yourself up to a complete stranger or someone who might look like they live in a totally different universe than you. It’s baffling to me how the same we all are and how much greatness is inside so many people out there that you’d never expect. When your world collides with someone who blindsides you in this fantastic way, you get these giant blinking billboard moments that scream to you that your path is exactly what is supposed to be and there’s no such thing as a mistake or luck.
I cannot thank you enough. How will I ever compete with that piece of mail? Just awesome. You are a diamond that’s been hiding in the rough for sure. I am so, so happy for you for jumping into what you want like I have seen nobody before. Can’t wait for the next picture from the top of another snowy mountain or beach in the Cayman Islands. Get it!
I’m thinking that YOU might be the one that’s the Roadrunner…

More Free Stuff!

Don’t forget to stop for your free coffee this morning at Starbucks- just bring your own mug. Free “Fryday” tomorrow at Jack in the Box. DQ is handing out free ice cream samples (yum. I’m liking this one.) Subway is buy one get one free today, I’ve even seen info. about discounts at sex shops. Nice to see there’s something for everyone. (Hee hee…I’m giggling…)

There are freebies everywhere, just keep looking around today. We’ll all just have to drink water and eat apples and carrots for the next week to make up for the delicious freebie tax day sugar and fat binge.
I had an apple already this morning, so now I’m on my way to round off breakfast with ice cream and coffee…


Tax day giveaways! YEAH.

That’s right. Check out this insane good list of noshing freebies. Just don’t get too crazy. If you ate all the deliciousness on this list you might be on a sugar high for the next 20 days.
My favorite; FREE COFFEE AT STARBUCKS ALL DAY TOMORROW. Love that. Bring your own cup (which you should always do anyway, check this out) and free joe for you on the way to the post office with all the rest of us procrastinators (yeah, I’m last minute Mary too. I just finished Turbo-Taxing up.)
I love free stuff, I love saving the planet and I REALLY love those occasional years you luck out and get a few bucks back from the government. 

What Life Looks Like…

…when you’re scraping by waiting for payday and commissions to come in and keeping yourself in financial jail so you can pay off debt. It’s a bit stressful, but it’s also a fun and good game of growth and responsibility. Sure I had a tad bit o’ bad luck on 2009, but ultimately I made the choices I did so I have to own them and dig out.

I’m digging and life is gooooood.

I’ve always been pretty good at finagling, but damn I have gotten really good lately trucking on fumes. I’m keeping notes as I always have. They’ll be put to good use someday when I write my book or next blog titled; “Tips on somehow managing to live it up, have a blast and pay down insane amounts of debt when your W-2’s only read $6,319.57 from last year.”


Wahoo! Today is my kid sisters 25th bday. She is about 6 million times cuter and cooler than I am so I had to give a shout out here. (This is her laughing her a** off in a coffee shop with me a while ago. We act like idiots together a lot. It’s so much fun.)

Sorry I’m not there to whoop it up with you today kid-thrilla, but Vermonster next month- here we come! Oh yeah…