live simple do more
Nerd alert! This text just came in from a client, unsolicited, and it made me jump and dance around my living room:
THIS is what Blue Lollipop Road is all about…
I didn’t ask this client how she felt tonight, I didn’t tell her that she and her boyfriend should watch the Minimalism documentary (even though I dig the film and Minimalist podcast), I didn’t mention anything about the size of house they should buy (they’re currently house shopping), but she sent the above note anyway, and after only a half day of working together.
Thank you’s from my clients like this never get old. They make my heart so full it wants to burst open. Knowing I actually help people transition from suffocation to feeling like they can breathe in their lives and in their spaces is pretty much a dream come true for me in my work life.
Thank you client B, you made my night and then some. I can’t wait to tackle the next project with you!
#TheLifeUnstuck #TodayIsTheDay #Freedom