be nice Tag

we need more altruism

In a time of life during which I seem to watch (and experience) more and more humans who are completely self-absorbed, this is a refreshing watch:

I write here on this Blue Lollipop Road in hopes to inspire others to do more of what they love, keep in perspective what’s important, and live happy. I’ve worked very hard to build a life of being a good friend, sister, daughter, neighbor, etc. In all my imperfections, I’m incredibly proud of myself for doing a pretty decent job at that. Aren’t we all supposed to at least try to go the extra mile or do the right thing when nobody’s watching? Check in on someone because that’s the right thing to do? Shouldn’t these types of things be second nature?

Maybe I’m crazy.

Lately, I’ve had far too many repetitive conversations in an attempt to understand why people seem to just not give a shit about much, or anyone…but themselves.

I don’t like it, I think It’s pretty sad, and I think we can do better.

I’m off to practice keeping my head out of my ass. Won’t you join me?

#GetYourHeadOutOfYourAss #LookUp #TimeToGiveAShit


do you need to go to time out?

I caught up with someone I haven’t talked to in months this morning. After our conversation about how hard and mean humans are sometimes, he sent me this phone screenshot:

Steve Irwin

I laughed and thought…isn’t this the truth.

Be nice, people. It’s so much easier.

#DontBeADick #NiceAlwaysWins #LessMeanMoreLoveHappyLife