Blue Lollipop Road


Here’s a documentary to check out if you want to spark some good controversial discussion during your next visit to the water cooler at work or dinner party with friends. 

Sure will beat the typical tedious small talk about whatever’s the latest “cool thing” that you can do on Twitter or who’s going to be the next American Idol.

I Love A Good Adventure

What I don’t love is showing up at the airport and having the smiling, friendly lady at the US Air counter happily say; “That will be $15.00 to check your bag Ma’am!”

Am I the last person on the planet to find out about this heinous bag-check charge? US Air charges $15.00 for the first bag you check and $25.00 for the second! Bah humbug! 
I love you non-charging, extra free snack giving and Direct TV at every seat Jet Blue. Why did I ever stray? 
I’d be a little peeved about this if I weren’t sitting here at the airport happily noshing on cheese fries, drinking a cold beer after working outside in the warm sunshine all day and about to hop on a plane for some fun.

Mr. Mom

In honor of Mother’s Day this Sunday (Yes. This Sunday for those of you have forgotten or didn’t realize it was May yet.) I was perusing for some random gift ideas, funny or inspiring stories, you know- something good to share. It didn’t take long for me to run into this t-shirt gift idea. 

The only kind of gift this”Mamma” needs is a razor!
Had to share this one right away, but I’ll keep looking…

It Even Does My Laundry!

Every time I turn around, take a breath, or open any paper/magazine/website/blog there is another announcement about the IPhone. A super-cool and innovative new feature/application or even how it saved a baby from a burning building. (Ok, so that was an exaggeration.) I can’t keep up. It’s incredible Here’s a post from today on how Adidas created a free IPhone guide to street art in Berlin. How cool. Soon enough this Apple creation will be able to cook us bacon and eggs and brew fresh coffee in the morning. Love it.

By the way, if you haven’t already- bookmark Springwise. There are a ton of interesting, innovative new businesses and ideas from all over the world on the site. Neat stuff.

What A Character

The USA Network sent world-class photographers across America last summer to take pictures of people from every walk of life to create the Character Project. This project showcases the colorful and wonderful variety of people that make up the USA.

I cannot imagine a more thrilling, intriguing or humbling assignment for these photographers to be lucky enough to work on. I am completely and totally jealous. One of my favorite quotes from the videos of the photographers is from David Eustace; “Everybody does have a story. It’s not always a happy one- but everybody has a story.” 
How true that is.

There is currently a traveling exhibition of this work. The next showing is in San Francisco starting May 8th, with a few other locations to follow. Take off an afternoon and go check it out if you are in one of these cities. I sure would if I were anywhere close to it.
Bravo USA Network for putting together an amazing project and helping us to see who our neighbors are and what they do. 
Really makes you think about what’s beyond main street doesn’t it?