Blue Lollipop Road

Nice Hair

A friend and I walked past this Glamour Shots studio in a mall last week and both stopped dead in our tracks, looked at each other and said; “These places still exist?!”

Get your shoulder-padded dresses and Aqua Net out people. It’s on. 
(Ok, so when I just Googled “Aqua Net because I couldn’t remember if it had a hyphen or not, this photo popped up. Oh my god. Cracking up…)
If you’re feeling confident about your super sweet old hair-do, email it to me; diane at (@symbol of course) and I will post it. Oh this is goooood.

Does Simply Being Friggin’ Awesome Count?

I was invited to and joined some people at a “Steelers Bar” watching the game last night with a business contact/mentor of mine. I don’t typically watch football very much and don’t have a team. I am however all about going to a random dive bar to get in the mix and people watch. Last night was one of those perfect mixes of the uber wealthy and uber country. I love that stuff. 

This mentor and I were spending time together to catch up and so he could offer some thoughts and advice on work for me. So between beers, a buffalo chicken sandwich and screaming Pittsburg fans, we got some good chatting in. One question he asked me was; “What added value do you bring to a company?”
You know those times when someone asks you a question that seems so easy to answer, but somehow stumps you or makes you think in a way you never have before? Yeah- Im sitting here still thinking and it’s been 15 hours. Does this mean that simply being fun, smart, reliable and nice isn’t enough of an added value to impress anyone in HR to get you a job?
Well that’s a bummer to find out after all these years. 
Eh, I still think it’s possible.
If this question stumps you too- ask your friends and family what they think your “added value” is. You might get some pretty interesting responses. I’m still waiting for mine…

Find An Ounce

I have been thinking and talking a lot about the people going nuts around this country and blowing each other away. (I am sorry if that line is too graphic for you, but that’s what’s happening and I think it’s appropriate to write it as that to show the severity of the problem. It’s awful.)

My initial reactions to the shootings happening last week were sorrow for the families who’ve lost loved ones and how horrific that must be, then anger at the shooters, then just an overall complete confusion and sadness. 
What the hell is going on in people’s heads?
It seems we simply just don’t care about, nurture and listen to each other as much as we could or should. Economy schmonomy. I am so over that excuse. Are Americans all that simple? Is it that simple in general? I think not. I hope not anyway. Are we really that bummed we had to sell one of our 4 cars, can only afford 3 lattes instead of 7 this week or that we can’t peruse the mall every other day? That seems so shallow and easy. What ever happened to taking care of your neighbor? Saying a friendly hello? Holding the door open for someone or taking an extra minute to do something nice for a stranger just because? 
Ever have those lonely moment missing your family that lives far away, annoyed feeling that maybe you haven’t exactly figured out that dream job yet, anger because you can’t afford to decorate your apt. even though you work so hard or that pit in your stomach when you stare at your laptop watching your bank account dwindle thinking to yourself wtf am I going to do? Then you breath for a minute, take 2 seconds look around and say to yourself; Holy crap! I have a family even though they’re 4,795,867 miles away- I have job even though it’s not super awesome right now, I have an apt. and safe place to sleep and I have a laptop to use to be able to see the lack of funds in my bank account! Damn I’m lucky!
I’m with you. When life feels like every last thing sucks ass and it’s a lie when people say “It will get better” it’s not fun. We have one of two choices; be miserable, give up, hate, punch, shoot someone or find one last ounce of whatever goodness life hasn’t beaten out of us yet and feed that.
Hate makes people give up and think there are no other options. There are always options. I really hope we can all start loving ourselves and each other a whole lot more and hating ourselves and each other a whole lot less. I wish everyone would stop using things like the “bad economy” as an excuse as to why people are often so hateful. Come on. We are so much smarter and better than that.

Baby Steps

Sitting in the sun today, having a conversation with my Mom, I realized truly for the first time ever that I have been trying to change the world. I realized it’s simply impossible to do alone. I guess I thought that if I put my heart into everything 110% that somehow bagillions of people would believe and practice right along with me that everything is possible and the world could be perfect.

Clearly I’ve been biting off way more than I can chew.
Reality Bites. 
Although it bites, allowing this reality hit me today, it felt like a thousand-pound weight lifted off me that I have been carrying around for my lifetime. Whew. It feels pretty amazing to allow myself to finally believe that simply doing the best I can is good enough. Understanding the world is never going to be perfect and while it’s great- it sometimes just sucks is actually a relief somehow to me. Moving forward I will take mini bites. Maybe then I’ll actually start making that difference I’ve always wanted, while actually taking care of myself too.
Thanks Mom.

Run Forrest Run

I was talking about running this weekend and injuries that come with along with it. It only took me about 13 years of pounding the pavement for fun and occasional race to discover that it’s true; the shoes really are the thing that damage your legs. I have researched and read articles, been advised by coaches, followed programs, bought insanely priced running shoes, learned about my arches, pronation, done hundred of dollars worth of gait training, changed my stride, heard opinions from x-professional runners and I think I even tried to run sideways once. (Kidding.)

I haven’t been able to run more than 4 miles in 6 years because the pain I have in so intense, I cannot walk after. Even when I only do 4 miles I have major swelling and unbearable pain. Every single run. For someone who likes to beat feet like me- this is a total bummer and has ben a hard pill to swallow. So imagine my thrill last week when I randomly decided to go to my first barefoot long run on the beach ever, because where I live it’s been 80 plus degrees. I had been told NOT to do this because “It’s uneven and will hurt your knees, etc more.” Well- guess what? Not only did I get to run on the beach, on a gorgeous and warm October night- but I had absolutely zero pain or swelling.
After all this time that’s all it took?
So in honor of the NYC Marathon yesterday, I thought I’d share this. If you have to/are going to wear shoes, I would recommend nothing but Newtons. I tried them on a couple months ago. They were pretty incredible and are essentially designed to make your body think you’re running barefoot. I don’t know about you, but if I can have one of my 2 favorite sports back in my life and all I have to deal with are a few blisters, sore calves (because yes, running barefoot kills your calves at first) or some pricey running shoes- I’ll do it.
As for the NYC marathon? Male and female winner both Ethiopian. I’m moving there before my next race to train- clearly they are the pros. Congrats Meb and Derartu!

You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth

I think the founders of AFAR Magazine, Greg and Joe were dropped out of the sky from the same stork as I was. Or we were hatched from the same egg. I am not kidding. I need to work with these guys. Holy moly.

I ran across this magazine while on a typical night of perusing Barnes & Noble. Those nights are ones for me that I want and need to feel inspired and that all things are possible. Book stores are my favorite for that. The night I spotted AFAR was typical visit for me. I intend on walking in and picking up the latest business book or novel but then my body instinctually turns; The magazine or book travel section. I’m not sure why I try to deny my biggest passion or why in my head I say to myself “Dammnit Diane- can’t you be normal and just go get some other book?!” Perhaps it’s because I always end up finding myself standing there with a magazine open like AFAR and feeling completely alive and excited in a way that nothing else feels to me and then a bit peeved at myself for not yet figuring out a way to make a living in the travel world. Hmmm. Guess it’s time to put it all out there and stop denying myself.
Watch this video. Every single word these guys say I agree with, have thought about and preached a million times over. Yes, I have just contacted them asking them if I can scrub their toilets, or be their coffee runner. Anything I can do to get my foot in that door. I’m not afraid to do whatever it takes.
Dear Greg and Joe,
Someone once told me that a perfect way to find out what you’re really passionate about or would be great at for work is to listen to conversations around you at a cocktail party or outing. When you overhear someone talking about a certain subject from clear across the room that makes you not only want to leave the conversation you’re in, but knock over the hors d’ oeuvres table or an old lady, just to get in that conversation- perhaps that’s your “thing.” For me? Yep- my thing is travel. I literally got up from a business meeting (maybe this is a bad thing to tell you? Hey- I’m being honest) I was in last week that was completely boring me and lasting too long, because I heard the owners of the little coffee shop we were in- talking about their home country I spent a month in this year; Argentina. I couldn’t help myself. I just couldn’t wait to talk to them (Mom, Dad, grown daughter and her husband all working together) about chimichuri and Iguazu Falls among other incredible things I was lucky enough to experience in their country. 30 minutes later I had to force myself out the door to go back to my “real” work day. I could’ve stayed there and talked for hours with them, but promised a return visit soon. I can’t wait.
Since my return from the first big trip I took 16 years ago, my mother has always said; “You never came back the same.” She was right. How could I have? I haven’t stopped traveling since. 
So guys- I’m for hire and I get it like you do. That “place” where travel takes you and that everyone should be lucky enough to experience. I love promoting and spreading that message. How about giving someone just like you a chance? 
Thanks. Congrats on the magazine and your amazing company. I look forward to hearing from you 🙂