
Be Coooool My Babies

This is the night Conan O’Brien takes The Tonight Show over for Jay Leno. I love me some Conan, but oh how those Jay Walking segments from the Leno days are hilarious too. Some of America’s finest citizens. Remember Kip and Kim? Hard to believe they are actually real people.

Oh and The Fruitcake Lady. If she doesn’t make you laugh I’m not sure who would. 
Just thought I’d post something for a chuckle or two!

A Dozen Humble Pies

Until 6 months ago I thought I had it all figured out. I thought because I was close to my family and talked to them regularly and always said I love you, I never took them for granted. I thought I knew which people in my life mattered and which really loved and supported me. I thought I never took any of my friends for granted. I thought because I’m athletic, it meant I was totally healthy. Oh how I could go on about what I thought. 

What a fool I was. How thankful I am that when the clock struck midnight and it turned 2009, life threw me some serious curve balls. Those curve balls have taught me the really hard way how much of a fool I was and how many things I have taken for granted. 
I’m now truly proud of myself for the first time ever and this morning I woke up feeling happy for the first time in I don’t know how long. Man does that feel good. I wanted to share this to encourage anyone who might be feeling like they’re in the worst spot ever- to keep trucking. That and if you love or appreciate someone for whatever they are in your life, don’t let another day go by without telling them. 
I have dragged my butt out of bed extra early every day these past curve ball months when I have sometimes felt like lying there all day. I have practiced and practiced and practiced and tried and tried and tried so damn hard at everything so many times feeling like I was getting absolutely nowhere. While the dragging my butt and practicing and trying has worked, the real reason I have learned and grown, is the love and support I have been lucky enough to have from so many of those people I sometimes took for granted. I know they’ve shown up for me during this time in my life even though I’ve made tons of mistakes in the past, because I’ve done one thing right; Always told them how much I love and appreciate them. (Even if I may have never really realized what that meant until now.)
See, when it all gets laid on the line and things get real, the good stuff happens. When you can be completely honest, look someone in the eyes that you really care about, tell them you think you have probably hurt them at times or taken them for granted, but you really do love them and they are important to you- that is greatness. That’s when friends that usually wouldn’t call but once a year, now call once a week to tell you they want to be better about being in your life too and you have those conversations with your little brother or Grandpa that you will never forget. 
It seems funny to think that being real with yourself is so hard sometimes. Shouldn’t being real and honest be easy? It’s not, but when you do find that place or time in your life that being real is how you start to live- the rest feels like a walk in the park.
Thank you thank you thank you heartache and curve balls. Oh the things I have learned from you. Strong Mojo is back!

Thanks Alex

Below is a comment I got from my Memorial Day post. The fact that I’m able to write on these pages and have people I don’t even know thank me for it (especially on topics like this) just absolutely thrills me beyond belief. To imagine that I could share my thoughts and experiences like I do and hear back that they could ever make a difference or positive impact on anything or anyone, it’s a total dream for me.

To Alex; Thank you for your service. It’s an honor you wrote me.

To Alex and everyone who has written me to thank me; Thank YOU. Thank you for supporting me to be able to follow my heart. 

Anonymous Anonymous said…

Erin sent me a link to your blog because she thought I’d get a kick out of your perspective on things, and indeed I do; however, when i came accross your post about memorial day, it struck a different chord with me.

I’m also a Marine, with a little over three years in, and as many service members can attest, memorial day comes with some serious mixed emotions. Most of us know someone that’s been killed, or died in training, or ended their own lives (as has become a growing trend amongst Marines and Soldiers)… but many of us have intentionally grown numb to it. It’s a part of our culture to act like these things don’t bother us.

It’s genuinely motivating to know that there are people with my lost friends on their minds, even if they’ve never met them. 

Thanks for your kind words, and I’m glad someone was there to help 🙂




I might be the last person on the planet to know of this Muhammad Ali quote. Better late than never to find it though:

“It’s not bragging if you can back it up.”
Another quote from Cate Blanchett I read recently and loved:
“Someday I want every single line on my face to speak to an incredibly rich life.”
I agree Muhammad and me too Cate. 

Mmm Mmm Good

I just heard about Crazy Charly and his bbq sauce. Does this guy look like a character or what? I thought it was a joke when I heard he used coffee in the recipe. Can you say yummy? The only thing better than bbq sauce made with coffee would be bbq sauce made with coffee and chocolate. That would be my three favorite things in one jar. 


Time to stock up for all the summertime soirees!


The start of party, travel and wedding season is upon us. If you’re one of those people like me who tries to find fun and non-traditional gifts for any occasion, or you’ll do anything to avoid buying that green towel or spatula set in the registry, look no further. I found a fabulous idea:

Here’s where you can buy drinks for your friends at a bar when you’re not even there. Hook the newlyweds up with a bottle of champagne to help them enjoy a honeymoon evening, get your little bro and his group of buddies a round of shots for his 21st birthday 10 states away, or surprise your girls with some martinis so you can still feel like you’re celebrating with them even though you’re stuck working at home on your annual girls weekend.
What’s not to love about this service? I’m not sure of anyone who wouldn’t be thrilled to find out their bar tab was already paid for at the beginning of a fun night out.
Here’s a toast to summer!


I read last week that the U.S troop death toll since the beginning of the war was 4,300. When I saw that number, it literally made me feel sick to my stomach. I had no idea it was anywhere near this high. I’m not proud to admit it, but I think I sometimes avoid reading these facts because they make me sad. I can’t begin to imagine how the families of these fallen troops must feel. 

I decided to take a road trip out of town for this Memorial Day weekend. As I was zooming up I-95 Friday night with all my windows down enjoying the warm air and feeling of total freedom, I couldn’t stop thinking of this number. 4,300. That’s just this war and just so far I kept thinking. That’s 4,300 families who weren’t going to be able to have the usual burger and a beer with their loved one this weekend like a lot of us traditionally do. As I was cruising with these thoughts I hit a huge traffic jam. After about an hour inching along, traffic came to a stop so I put my car in park. When cars finally started moving again mine didn’t. There I was in the middle lane of I-95 on Friday night Memorial Day weekend with a car that I couldn’t get to move. 
Not 2 seconds later, a young guy pulled next to me and ran over with a smile to help. Before I could greet him he was looking under the hood, scurrying around my car to try to find the problem and assuring me that “I’m a mechanic.” While I was sitting shocked still in my drivers seat reaching for my AAA card wondering what the heck to do, a woman ran up and asked if she could help too. She then pulled her car behind mine because she “didn’t want me to get hit.” She literally stood in the middle of the highway (did I mention I-95?!-75 mph traffic!?) waving people around me. I’ve had my share of car issues in the past and I am used to the AAA call, tow truck- whatever. I am not used to being the middle lane of I-95 on a holiday weekend with two strangers about to be hit, as cars whiz by screaming “Get the hell out of the road.” Yikes.
Without going into too much more detail. These good samaritans got my car to the side of the road for safety. The young guy somehow managed from there to get it running and moving like new all within 30 minutes. At that point the guy offers to follow me to the next gas station to make sure I am OK. The woman who was helping must have seen a sticker or something on his car and asked him if he was in the military to which he responded something about 3 plus years Marine and he was headed to DC. She responded something about miltary as well for her and thirty years, then a wave and smile at me (still sitting in my drivers seat) “Good luck and take care!” and she was off. I barely had time to get a thank you out to her before she was gone.
The young guy followed me to the rest stop where I finally was able to get out of the car, shake his hand, introduce myself and thank him a hundred times. (His girlfriend was with him and was equally as wonderful.) His name was Rob. I’m not sure what Rob the Marine was headed to do in DC on this Memorial Day weekend but I could probably guess. I thanked him again, gave him my card hoping he’d email me or be in touch at some point somehow so I could thank him yet again or send him a gift of some kind. I drove off thinking- did that just happen?
You can’t make this stuff up people.
I was happily speeding up the interstate, in deep thought on Memorial Day weekend about fallen heroes and what I would write on this very post to give thanks to any and every service person and their family, mid-thought my car breaks down and I am rescued in an instant by two service people?! One who had served 3 years and one 30? 
Anyone who doesn’t think things happen for a reason, think again. 
On this weekend when boats, beaches and bbq’s are in full swing, lets remember the reason why we can enjoy it all. I won’t forget ever again. I’m just sorry it took me this long to really understand the meaning of this weekend.
Thank you Rob the Marine and short-haired woman in whatever branch you are/were in. I’m sorry I didn’t get your name. I’m home safe and sound. Hope you are too from your travels. Thanks for being two of America’s finest and all your help.