
Meet Jonathan

He is taken, but happily accepted my proposal to take this photo of his funny shirt. He told me his girlfriend bought it for him before he went off to college last year and he is now home for the summer.
Thanks Jonathan. You were adorable. I’m sure you’ll have to leave that shirt on sophomore year as well to keep the young ladies away. Hope you had a great relaxing Father’s Day with your pops. 

Resume or Gynecologist?

How can I thank people I barely know that have become regular readers? The ones that I have met just a couple months ago who I see and they say; “Um, hello? What’s up?- I have been reading but haven’t seen any new posts in the past couple days…”

I know, I know! Effective time management. Something I am working on and that perhaps I have sucked at in the past. (That and I am busy working to pay bills which takes me away from this project and other things I love sometimes. BOO on that, but it’s what I’ve got to do until I figure out how to make the magic happen.)
To do list for today:
1.) Work on time management
2.) Get my stupid resume updated and done for the 90th time. (God I hate resumes more than visits to the gynecologist.)
3.) Thank the not so strange strangers like B.H. for being consistent readers.

Screw It. I’m Moving Across The Country

My friend Erin moved to Cali. one year ago for a job in the wine biz. I joked with the “I hate you”, but she probably doesn’t know that I really did. (You know what I mean.) I “hated” her, not because I hated her, but because I was so damn jealous. At that time I was completely bored living where I was as she had been and totally needed a change myself but didn’t know how to/wasn’t ready to make one. I remember standing on the rooftop patio of my incredible apartment I had at the time that everyone had drooled over. I was listening to Erin talk about when and how she was going to be leaving town. She was moving for a job she was insanely excited about? She was getting out of a place she just felt like she needed to? Ugh, I thought. I remember feeling like I wanted to pack myself in her car and never look back to my incredibly fancy amazing apartment with rooftop patio and all the rest of the “perfect” life I had.

See, incredibly fancy amazing apartments with rooftop patios and other supposed perfect stuff don’t mean jack if you’re not happy. I’m so thankful life forced me to make some changes I was jealous of Erin for making a year ago and that I am where I am now. And I am happy that she is happy with her past year too. We’ve both separately come quite a way.
I just read this post on her blog and started laughing. She will laugh too when she reads this as she realizes from that very spot on my rooftop patio one year ago, the two of us have had almost identical experiences. The only difference is I now look out my window and see the Atlantic Ocean and she looks out hers and see the Pacific. We have both moved far away from everything and everyone we know and love, gotten new jobs, quit jobs, had break ups, perfected being broke as a joke, at the same age, cried on phones to mothers and all of it…

AND THEN SOME. Oh, then some. 

The great thing is, Erin and I barely met, hung out or even knew each other much before she came over one year ago to my place to tell me she was leaving. After keeping in touch sporadically this year and finding out how similar we are, I’m fairly certain she and I will be good pals for a very long time to come. I’m sure we’ll also continue encouraging each other to quit jobs we hate, move wherever the hell we each damn well please and not settle for anything less than the best guy or life that’s fabulous. That’s what us “brave” and “courageous” women do. Really though, we’re just two people who follow our hearts. That’s the only reason to warrant anyone ever using those words for either of us. I think Erin would be fine with me saying that we both totally screw up plenty, flail out, trip up and are lost and confused just as much as the rest of everyone else. Perhaps we are two people who can just dust ourselves off a bit quicker, and most always wearing a smile.
Erin, can you friggin’ believe it? What a ride. Keep on rockin’ girl. Hang tight. I’ll be out there to sip some vino with you sooner than later.

Let My People Go Surfing

A very special friend gave me this book last night. I had heard about it a bunch before, but still not taken the time to read it. In the first 2 pages I wanted to see if I could figure out a way to hang out with the author Yvon Chouinard, Founder and Owner of Patagonia. Whatta guy.

I’ve had a challenge with books in the past as my attention span has been, well- lets just say a bit shorter than it could be sometimes. Thankfully that short attention span has flown out the window for at least a little while as I am gobbling this book up. I haven’t even had it in my hands for 12 hours, but I know these pages will certainly not be collecting any dust.
Do yourself a favor and borrow this one or treat yourself to a trip to your local bookstore. You’ll be glad you did. LMPGS is a must read for anyone.
Thank you Elby. You’re F.A

Sticky Buns

Last Saturday was World Naked Bike Ride Day for the Northern Hemisphere in a slew of cities. These groups say they’re “exposing the unique dangers facing cyclists and pedestrians, as well as the negative consequences we all face due to the dependance on oil and other forms of non-renewable energy.” 

I say go on with your bad selves nekked peeps. I fully support you stripping down and riding for all of that. Anyone can participate. Check out all the cities just in the USA where you can hop in for this whacky event.
Who’s up for grabbing some supplies and bits of flair so we can paint ourselves up to join in the fun? Come on. Like you haven’t ridden a bike naked before. It certainly would give me some good photos to post. I’m not scared…

50 And Counting!

50 followers as of today! Might sound small to some, but it’s huge to me- and I still haven’t even gotten on any social networking sites or blasted any of this out in any of those ways yet.

Thank you thank you everyone. Spending my time doing other work so I can pay bills sometimes takes me away from spending 24/7 on the Blue Lollipop Road which is what I’m really meant to do. I promise even when get busy, I’ll continually do my best at babbling thoughts and things for you to read. I hope to always entertain, make you think or help create a fun moment or two in your day when you visit here.
Every single reader, follower and comment means so much to me. Thanks for coming along for the ride!

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

A National Park Pass. What a swell summer gift idea for your hiker Dad for Father’s Day or that Grad that’s about to road trip for one last hurrah with his buddies before going off to college. Maybe that outdoor adventure couple you know that are getting hitched soon? I gave one of these to my pals who got married last fall instead of a blender. They loved it. A blender could never compete with hiking up to and standing under the Delicate Arch. (Yes, it really does look like that in real life and is that gorgeous.) 

The pass is only $80 and gives the proud owner unlimited access for a year to all the spots that are must sees around the country. Better yet a good excuse to hop in the car and go explore what most usually only see in pictures. Heck- maybe the person you buy it for will ask you to tag along for some road trippin’ fun! (If you’re not available when they do ask, just let me know. My bags and camera are already packed and I’d be happy to go as your stand-in.)

Way More Than Your Face In Foam

I usually like to find things I write about in off the wall ways, not by watching The Today Show, but I saw Michael Keen doing such seriously cool latte art last week I didn’t care how I found him. 

This bearded gent has an outstanding little coffee shop called Studio 6 Coffee House in Denver, CO. Watching the video on his website makes me want to brave the cold winters and move to the Mile High City, just so I can become a regular and hang out at this shop. This java joint gets it. They have a successful business they’re passionate about and they support their community wholly. Coffee shops and places like this do so much more than serve eats and froofy drinks. They help create community. They offer a comfortable place for anyone to go. They’re like home away from home. Lets not even talk about the fact this guy can make your face in the foam of a latte! Now there’s some goodness.
I love that there are these amazing kinds of people out there with small businesses and great stories about why they exist. They love where they live and work hard to be a part of making their communities thrive. Bravo Studio 6. I am SO excited about getting a triple shot my face latte next time I’m in Denver!